MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better

Grow your business

Increasing your revenue with better machines

As an OEM or machine builder, we know the success of your business depends on the ability to meet diverse customer requirements. But it’s not just technical knowledge that’s important for this process – it’s also your financial position.

You need to know that every build can be completed on time and within budget, making the best use of selected components. This is how you maintain your reputation and have a successful business.

Performance, simplicity and scalability with a proven track record for growth. This is what Mitsubishi Electric provides as a trusted partner to your business.

Let’s grow your business together.

You need access to the best components and technical support to build better machines. But that’s only possible when you’re able to invest using the proceeds of strong, consistent revenue.

Machine development is rarely straightforward – especially in today’s market – but that doesn’t mean the build needs to be lengthy or complex. As a trusted partner, we’re focussed on delivering the best possible solution whilst always keeping an eye on the bottom line.

Our approach is firmly collaborative because we know this is the best way to balance your margin with customer demands. But what does that look like in practice?


Our team will work closely with yours to complete builds on time and to specification


Mitsubishi Electric’s engineers will take the time to understand your business and your customers so machines can be built according to global standards


We’ll constantly look for ways to simplify a build without compromising performance


We are always looking for ways to make your machines more appealing to the end user

Industrial Food Cutting Becomes A Piece Of Cake

When Western Mechanical Handling (WMH) needed to develop a fully automated inline cell for accurately cutting and slicing food, Mitsubishi Electric were with them every step of the way from initial concept, through to design and build.

The resulting machine maximises performance, flexibility and productivity for customers in the food sector.​

Software solutions lineup

From keeping track of crucial machine KPI’s for enhanced OEE and productivity, to realtime remote asset monitoring. ​
Replace “human experience and intuition” with digital AI machine learning technology. Commission your machines faster.
Demonstrați-vă utilajele digital folosind 3D Digital Twin și simularea programului de control înainte de construcție. Dați viață mașinilor dumneavoastră.

Software de inginerie MELSEC

Software care reduce TCO pentru procesul de inginerie.

Product lineup

Seria de controlere MELSEC întruneşte cu flexibilitate cerinţele dvs. de producţie, oferind o soluţie ideală pentru utilizatori.
În fiecare zi, convertizoarele noastre de frecvenţă îşi dovedesc nivelul ridicat de eficienţă a costurilor, fiabilitate, funcţionalitate şi flexibilitate în cadrul aplicaţiilor de toate tipurile, de la cele comerciale la cele din industria grea.
Interfețele HMI GOT continuă să ofere utilizatorilor soluții comode, avantajoase și intuitive.
Sistem servo Mitsubishi - avansat şi flexibil.
Model compact de nouă generaţie cu diverse funcţii integrate.
Modulul de mișcare simplă din seria MELSEC iQ-F realizează diferite controale, precum controale sincrone și ale camelor, cu o excelentă ușurință în utilizare. El acceptă CC-Link IE TSN și SSCNETⅢ/H.
Pregătiţi pentru productivitate
Rețea integrată deschisă pe bază de Ethernet, care permite o comunicare fără discontinuități între sistemul IT și nivelul atelierelor de producție.

We’re here to help you to maximise the potential of your machine.

We’ll do what it takes to support you through your machine development and build.​

Consultative Services

We understand your machines and your industry. Using this knowledge we can help you develop better machines with less risk and at a lower cost.​
Let our team of Application Support Engineers assist you through every stage of your machine design and build – from initial concept, through product selection, and even providing the tips and tricks to unlock maximum performance.​

Code Conversion

Converting the application code of a machine from one automation supplier to another can be a time consuming task.​
We have the expertise in depth to make sure any conversion is a success.


Mitsubishi Electric has consistently played a leading role in providing professional training in the industrial automation industry.
In addition to the support and learning we provide through our Application Support Engineers, we also offer a schedule of up-to-date training courses from our team of professional engineers.​
We offer theoretical and skilled-based training with curated learning pathways based on the delegate’s skill levels.​

Improving automation

Full automation is transformative for your customers. But we recognise there are several hurdles to negotiate before it can be achieved.

Components bring automation to life but it’s not just a technical question. It’s about choosing the most appropriate technology at the right time.

For instance, moving to an ethernet-based architecture can speed up build times, improve machine performance and data availability. However, it’s about knowing when to do this and why.

Decreasing time to market

Time is money and any time spent in development must count if you’re going to build an effective and profitable machine.

This is why Mitsubishi Electric is focussed on minimising build times.

We do this in several ways – from ease of product selection and common architecture through to 3D digital twin machine simulation and design. And with our international supply chain, we’re able to deliver components to you when needed, supporting your team as they are integrated.

Find out more about MELSOFT Gemini - a 3D simulation software to virtually model machines and manufacturing processes.

Amidst the digital transformation trend, a demand has emerged to speed up the process from product planning to commercialisation, however there are hurdles to this, such as an increase in the labor time required for rework and on-site adjustment due to problems during equipment development and upon launch of lines, and delays in decision-making as it is difficult to visualise the effects of investment.

Mitsubishi Electric dramatically improves this problem with a 3D simulator that can verify line equipment in a digital space. Before launching, we can make "results" visible.

Find out how using the 3D Simulator MELSOFT Gemini can reduce your machine design and start-up time.

The introduction of the 3D Simulator MELSOFT Gemini allows machine-less preliminary verification of motion anomalies, mechanical interference, and cycle times that can not be noticed by programming alone, and thus greatly reduces the need for on-site rework during start-up.

The company has succeeded in shortening the design and start-up period by about 15% compared with the conventional method, and production can be started quickly.

Our FA Integrated Selection tool is designed to help you to select the correct components to match your machine requirements.

Developing business leads

Our international standing allows us to leverage relationships in key vertical markets. Our trusted consultant role allows us to influence key decision makers, which in turn can direct business to our OEM and machine builder community.

Our world-wide team of engineers supports you throughout a machine’s entire lifecycle – from design and build through commissioning to operation and maintenance.

Added Value Development

We know the true value of data – and the first step is always to have the right data available in the right place - securely.

​Making additional services available that add real value to your customer is essential, and we can make that happen. ​Whether it’s performance metrics, energy statistics, or maintenance data - being able to clearly visualise machine information is key.​

As an example, using a cloud based machine monitoring solution gives value to both machine builders and end users alike. The end user, as well as having machine data at their fingertips, can gain benefit from the machine builder being able to remotely monitor all of the machines on site, ensuring maximum machine uptime by being able to effectively predict machine issues and program in suitable service activities.

​The machine builder can secure potential additional revenue in offering these added value services to their end user community.

​We make it easy to bring data to life.

Whitepaper - Data Driven Machines

Designing and manufacturing machines that exploit the potential of digitalisation can be a major challenge – learn how we can help.

Industry has been evolving continually since its inception. The constant changes are intended to make factories produce more, more cheaper and better. Such are the expectations of the market.

This increase in productivity was to be served successively by the introduction of steam engines, electric propulsion, and the automation of production. In the 1960s, industry obtained two powerful tools: robotics and industrial automation. For years, these were essential tools in building competitive advantages.

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Machine building strategies and solutions

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