MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better

Reduce risk from every build

Reducing risk with better machines

In today’s market, there are two types of risk for your end users.

The first is production related. Your customers need to know the machine you provide will be available when needed. Why? Because availability has a direct link to product quality and product quality determines whether a business is compliant.

The second relates to outside threats. Today’s production environments are exposed to evolving cyber-attacks, some of which have been proven to take businesses offline for considerable periods. And this situation is simply untenable for your customers.

We help you take full control of your machine build, maximising performance whilst also identifying vulnerabilities that could lead to serious reputational harm.

Choose peace of mind. Choose Mitsubishi Electric.

We know you need to minimise risk at every step of the build process because it’s what keeps your customers up at night.

Availability, compliance, safety, security. These are all issues that can have a major impact on your customers. If, for example, a batch goes out of specification, it can lead to major fines not to mention lasting doubts about a factory’s processes.

Ultimately, if end users cannot demonstrate consistency their whole operation is called into question, so they need suppliers who can rise to the challenge.

Mitsubishi Electric is ideally placed to support you with this process, bringing a pedigree in factory automation and strong understanding of today’s digital threats.

Mitsubishi Electric robots help drive quality control in high-speed inhaler testing line

A leading pharmaceutical manufacturer specialising in asthma inhalers has transformed its in-line testing operations thanks to an automated quality control solution developed by Mitsubishi Electric and leading system integrator Optimal Industrial Automation. The innovative system uses two Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arms (SCARA) and system-matched components, such as a MELSEC-iQ platform PLC and MAPS SCADA software.

Software solutions lineup

From keeping track of crucial machine KPI’s for enhanced OEE and productivity, to realtime remote asset monitoring. ​
Replace “human experience and intuition” with digital AI machine learning technology. Commission your machines faster.
Demonstrați-vă utilajele digital folosind 3D Digital Twin și simularea programului de control înainte de construcție. Dați viață mașinilor dumneavoastră.

Software de inginerie MELSEC

Software care reduce TCO pentru procesul de inginerie.

Product lineup

Seria de controlere MELSEC întruneşte cu flexibilitate cerinţele dvs. de producţie, oferind o soluţie ideală pentru utilizatori.
În fiecare zi, convertizoarele noastre de frecvenţă îşi dovedesc nivelul ridicat de eficienţă a costurilor, fiabilitate, funcţionalitate şi flexibilitate în cadrul aplicaţiilor de toate tipurile, de la cele comerciale la cele din industria grea.
Interfețele HMI GOT continuă să ofere utilizatorilor soluții comode, avantajoase și intuitive.
Sistem servo Mitsubishi - avansat şi flexibil.
Model compact de nouă generaţie cu diverse funcţii integrate.
Modulul de mișcare simplă din seria MELSEC iQ-F realizează diferite controale, precum controale sincrone și ale camelor, cu o excelentă ușurință în utilizare. El acceptă CC-Link IE TSN și SSCNETⅢ/H.
Pregătiţi pentru productivitate
Rețea integrată deschisă pe bază de Ethernet, care permite o comunicare fără discontinuități între sistemul IT și nivelul atelierelor de producție.


Our ongoing commitment at Mitsubishi Electric is to ensure that all our products and solutions are as easy as possible to use - and that this quality is backed up with truly outstanding support services.

​Whether it’s application support, machine safety audits, or cyber resilience consultancy, we’re here to help.​

Meeting targets

Factories are defined by their ability to meet quota. And machine builders and OEMs are defined by their ability to build machines capable of delivering those quotas.

Our high-performance automation has been geared towards this mission for over 50 years. And we’re constantly re-evaluating our performance to ensure you receive the best support.

We ensure that the Machine Builder is able to provide a really reliable machine - using extremely reliable components – all leading to maximum availability for production.

  • Powerful, scalable control architecture – control - tailored to your needs
  • High-speed and accurate mechatronics – smart servo, inverter drives and robotic solutions
  • AI tools – machines that learn and improve over time
  • Data connectivity and visualisation – customisable presentation of key performance and maintenance metrics

Meeting regulatory standards

Compliance is arguably your customers’ greatest concern. Achieving full compliance ensures businesses are operating legally and exactly as intended.

As an OEM or machine builder, it’s vital your components conform to the necessary regulations wherever in the world your machine will be used. It’s also key that you are able to supply machinery into specific industries, and understand those industry regulations and recommendations, including data structures that enable you to do so.

Our knowledge of regional and industry regulations and requirements can help you design and manufacture world beating machines.

Understand how using our GOT HMIs can support FDA 21 CFR Part 11, the standards relating to electronic data recording & traceability information.

GOT HMIs can be used to support FDA 21 CFR Part 11, the standards about electronic data recording of the traceability information, which is required in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Sample screens are available for helping you configure systems.

Learn about the benefits of machine data collection using PackML.

Unified monitoring screens and operations ensure easier operation and maintenance across the line. Standardised monitoring screens and operability across different manufacturers realises efficient operation of any machine with a familiar interface in the production line.

PackTags standardises the communication and management processes related to production data such as machine status (normal/error) and workpiece data. Seamless integration of different manufacturers’ machines, reduced startup time and automatic production line start/stop contributes to more efficient troubleshooting.

Whitepaper - Genesis64 FDA 21CFR11 Capabilities

Learn about features of GENESIS64 components that may be of use to companies wishing to comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.

Discover the power of GENESIS64, our software solution which assists users with compliance with the FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 requirements for electronic records and electronic signatures.

Maintain secure, time-stamped audit trails that independently record operator actions, ensuring transparency and accountability.

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Improving reliability

Reliable machines build successful businesses. It’s a principle we adopt with every project.

Our hardware and software are designed for reliability. And our current portfolio has a proven track record of maximising machine availability and longevity. We don’t partner with businesses like yours just to build machines. We partner to instil lasting success. Here’s how we do that:

  • Flexible maintenance solutions – choose whichever method fits your operation - predictive, preventive or corrective
  • Machine surveillance – system recorder for immediate fault cause diagnosis
  • Intelligent analysis – using AI and machine learning to predict component failure long before it occurs
  • Remote asset management – data integrity and safety with cloud based maintenance
  • Simple upgrades – consistent component size, programming and wiring designed for quick replacement

MELSEC iQ-R System Recorder Use Case Reduce machine downtime by quickly identifying the cause of errors.

Record the entire operating status of the system and perform simple analysis. The system recorder is a corrective maintenance solution that "records the entire operating state of the system" when an error occurs, and allows "simple analysis" to significantly reduce downtime.

Whitepaper - Intelligent Control Systems

Discover a new dimension of data analytics with intelligent control systems.

Industrial automation has been a source of competitive advantage in recent decades. The ability to automate manufacturing processes - the gaining momentum since 1970s - has created value-added elements in manufacturing.

The companies that were quickest to embrace the industrial automation solutions have become pillars of modern industry and often, as a consequence, companies with global reach. Among them are many brands that are well known today.

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Managing digital threats

Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to detect.

​We know that operational technology (OT) used in production environments is exposed which opens up a whole new category of risk for those without sufficient defences in place. ​​This risk is particularly significant for OEMs because end users consider product quality and machine reliability as the biggest threat to their business.

​It’s why our factory’s production complies with the latest security directives, such as IEC 62443-4-1 standard regarding the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) of industrial automation and control systems. ​​We can also help you gain understanding of Regulatory Frameworks and legislation in Europe regarding Cyber Security - IEC 64223 and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).​

Whitepaper - Comprehensive Guide to Safeguarding Operational Technology

Learn about Cyber Security in the world of Operational Technology (OT).

Today, World War III is actively being fought all around us as a Cyber War, an unfamiliar concept in the time of Albert Einstein. This war is raging globally through various small- and large-scale Cyber Attacks and is increasingly targeting OT installations and critical infrastructure.

Due to the nature of these attacks, entities that are not the intended target can still suffer damage because of the nature of viruses, trojans and malware and their uncontrolled spread. Thankfully, there are several mechanisms available today to assist in securing OT infrastructure.

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Machine building strategies and solutions

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